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Monday, September 7, 2015

Even having a desire to believe is where one starts to grow Faith

Hello World!                                                                                        9/7/15

This week was a great week full of business! Lots and lots of teaching which is really good! I am really happy that I have had the opportunity to stay in MuZha for such a long time. I have been really able to see the difference that only time can make. Since I have been here to I have seen so much happen. This ward is really what has made the difference. As they have helped the missionaries and had a desire to have success we have progressed so fast. I feel so blessed. I am really praying that we can continue to improve like we have been! 
Elder Roe LOVES the people of Taiwan

This week we are hoping to have C's baptism! She has come so far! She has progressed so far! This last week we shared about the Word of Wisdom and she had some struggles with it but she agreed to give it up. But the whole reason she is so willing is because she is hoping that by her actions God will see her faithfulness and answer whether or not he really exists.
 But thus far, she still hasn't received the answer she is hoping for. So, tonight we are hoping to share that if we only have a desire to believe that is good enough for the start. Conversion comes with time, and steady obedience to God's commandments. I really hope that she will be able to just take the leap! I know it might seem like a big one for her. I just love her so much, I have known her the entire 8 months I have been in MuZha since her son is a member. She is ready she just needs to believe! 
Love and miss this young man of mine.

Also this week is our outdoor Zone Conference, so we are all looking forward to that. It's always fun to be together with other missionaries! I love our Zone we have so many great missionaries! 

Well Sorry that's all I have time for this time. I love you all so much! 
Elder Roe

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