Hello Family and Friends, April, 1, 2016
INSANE. That is the only way to describe this last week! Seriously! So much fun. I feel like I could get hit by a car and not notice I am so tired. (okay exaggeration) But it was a blast of a week! Last Saturday was Christopher's baptism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) It was so awesome! It was a touching service. One of the best parts is right before the actually ordinance we waited for about five minutes. Elder Huntsman got permission to come back and see it, but was running a little tight on schedule, so anyway it was pretty cute as we were there waiting and then from the other side of the building you hear the door fly up and then just running all the way down the hall. It meant a lot to Christopher and I was happy for Elder Huntsman as well.
Such a JOYFUL day! Christopher's Baptism Day! |
I love that the Savior's arms are encompassing these 3 young men. So symbolic. |
After that: miracles. Once he was baptized we were just thinking, man we need to find some more Filipino's they are so awesome! So this is just kind of a thought in the back of our heads. Anyway, we get a referral from the Church that say's a guy named Phillip requested a English Book of Mormon. So we get that to go out and find this guy. I was hoping he was Filipino. Anyway we are trying to find the house which is super hard. We are on the street and the house number just like disappears. You are going down the road and on the right there is (for example) 22 and then 26 but no 24. ... What the heck?
This sweet and generous member took us out for dinner! She's so awesome. |
Although between the two houses there is a tiny little 巷子. It smelt so bad, like sewer and looked creepy. Anyway we get back there and there is this big metal door to the building kind of just random. Then to the left a panel that says: doorbell. Which was hanging out of the wall by wires. We press, no ring, press again, no ring. Frustrating! The house was on the 3rd floor so there is no way to do anything but pray. The last thing we wanted to do was leave so we stayed there trying to figure something out. Elder Johnson, (the smart one) pulls the doorbell panel out and seeing that the wires in the back aren't touching. He messes with it so that they all line up and then presses the 按鈴 like the button part? I don't know how to say that in English. And we hear from three stories up a Ding, dong! Wahoo!
Demoted to the couches haha. I love that he's using his pillowcase with all of our notes from home on it. What a great gift idea, Jolene Herzog!!! |
A guy sticks his head out and comes downstairs. It was Phillip's older brother: Jim. And yes, their Filipino! (that's what I'm talking about!) we met with Jim and set a date for baptism and got a hold of Phillip who wasn't there at the time and set up a time to come back. In total 4 people live there. We are so excited to teach them, They are incredible people. It just goes to show, if we don't give up the Lord provides miracles!
This week was also MLC. We did it all on teaching. I think it overall went really, really well. It was fun to work with President Jergensen, he is so inspired. Elder Johnson and I taught mostly on Charity, and being Prepared for lessons. I think it was good and if we all apply the principles they can really enhance our teaching skills, and quality of our lessons.
Hope that you all are doing well! Love you! Thanks for the Easter Package, Grandma Linda and I got my license Mom....thanks for all you do.