Hello family and friends, Jan 10, 2016
This week went fast, but when I reflect of what we did, I am amazed that it was all done just last week. Last Monday felt like it was a year ago. Time is a funny thing.
This last week we went and hiked the 象山. I have done it before but it was still a blast. We celebrated Elder Griffin's birthday, it was pretty fun just super misty. You could hardly see the Taipei 101. Then on Tuesday we had our Zone Meeting. I think overall it went pretty good. There was a lot of changes. It is amazing what the Church will do to see the work progress. We now no longer having transfer meetings, exchanges are now all conducted in the leader's area, and when we transfer to a new area we are allowed to travel alone on public transportation. It will shake up some things but I am excited, you can feel the urgency of the work!
Jason and Elder Roe eating and enjoying their friendship! |
The Day Elder Roe baptized Jason! |
Jason finding Elder Herzog in Hong Kong!!! Amazing what the gospel can do! |
Still looking out for each other....even clear across the ocean! This picture taken at Porter's last meet July 2014! |
One of my two favorite parts of the week was visiting a LA (less active) family. They are probably one of my favorite people to visit. They are just incredible. Every time I have gone to their home I have felt the Spirit and God's love for them. Unfortunately, recently they have been really hard to set-up. But finally we found time and set-up a visit. This week they told me how very grateful they were that I regularly call them and that it is often in times of weak faith. It reminds them that God is looking out for them.
However, as the lesson progressed and we talked more, they opened up about what this had meant to them. A few weeks previously I had been prompted to call, so I did but sadly they were out of town and were in the south of Taiwan. I told them that we loved them and are praying for them often and if they need anything to just give us a call, we are here to help. Shortly after the conversation ended their car malfunctioned as they were driving down the interstate. In Taiwan there is never a place to stop, and the roads are extremely small so they were in a very dangerous situation as they couldn't find anywhere to stop and were in fear of being rammed by oncoming traffic. However to their luck (or should I say blessing) they found a area extremely close that had been widened and had a place that they were able to pull off and quickly get the help needed to repair their car. The wife shared that in that moment she knew that there were angels about them, they felt the love of God as he assisted in protecting their family. It was the wake-up call they needed. The Father shared that after this happened he knew that had something gone wrong, they are not living up to the standard of their covenants and the sealing that they had received they would not be worthy of. They talked as a family and agreed that the time has come to return. I was so thrilled to see the family of five walk in to Church this last Sunday and sit in the congregation where they belonged. God is a God of miracles!
Another favorite part was L DX's baptism! He is amazing! Once again I was able to see how amazing God is and the importance of ALWAYS being willing to do the work! About a month ago we had finished a lesson and had about 15 minutes until dinner. My desire to be in the cold and find was about a level zero. Ya know, sometimes you just have those days. It was like my body was screaming NOOO as I locked my bike, my hands felt numb thanks to the humid Taipei weather. I knew though that if I just found someone to talk to the negative thoughts would have to leave. I said a small prayer that I could have a better attitude and see some miracles in the very short time that we had.
What a miracle!!! Never miss an opportunity to share the gospel!!! |
I looked ahead of me to see a old grandpa looking at some pictures of houses outside a realtor store. I talked with him, he was so kind, I brought up baptism and me and Elder Elliott asked him to follow Christ and be baptized. He wasn't too convinced but said he would be willing to understand a bit more. We set him up for Sat. When we called to confirm the phone wouldn't even ring as if our number was blocked. That Sat. we rode to the church with, in all honesty, not much of an expectation that he would actually show up.... but he did! And he continued to learn, and progress, and convert. He came to know the Book of Mormon was true, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that what he was teaching is true, and came to be baptized!
Upon asking him what change he has experienced since he met the Church he responded, "I have found Happiness. Before I just lived life, I have always wondered why am I here, what is the purpose of all this? Now I know. I have the guidance I need, I have a sense of direction, and I have found my Savior and come to know my Redeemer." Moral of the story: ALWAYS OPEN YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!!!! It doesn't matter how cold or tired you are. Never miss an opportunity cause if you do... you just might miss out on a miracle. And we have tickets to the front row seat of watching miracles happen.
This week will be great as well, we will get to see H J get baptized. She has another awesome story as well... but I will have to tell you more about it next week.
Love you all so much, hope you have a incredible week! Go share the happiness!
Elder Roe
Happy Birthday tooooooo youuuuuuuuuuu Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO THE BEST DAD IN THE WHOLE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that you just have the greatest day ever! You definitely deserve it. I am so grateful for all that you have done for me. For your example and love. You are my idol and I hope that one day I can be a tenth of what you are. I am sorry I am a bad writer and I wish I could express how much I love you but that is impossible. just know I love you so much my heart hurts! We are gonna party so hard when I get home. Love you!